Entries by Christian Nophsker

How Do Stimulants Work For Treating ADHD?

How Do Stimulants Work For Treating ADHD? How Do Stimulants Work For Treating ADHD?  What Are Stimulants? Stimulants are medications that produce a temporary increase in the functionality or efficiency of an organism. They work by increasing the availability of certain chemicals in the brain, thus making the pathways in the brain work more effective. Stimulants […]

The Relationship Between Sugar and ADHD

The Relationship Between Sugar and ADHD The Relationship Between Sugar and ADHD How Does Sugar Impact ADHD? A study2 conducted at Yale University indicates that high-sugar diets may increase inattention in some kids with ADHD.  However, the consensus thus far seems to demonstrate no correlation between refined sugar and increased hyperactivity in children with ADHD. An answer […]

How Cognitive Behavior Therapy May Help Suicidal People

How Cognitive Behavior Therapy May Help Suicidal People How Cognitive Behavior Therapy May Help Suicidal People Excerpt from New York Times. read the full story here In Cognitive Behavior Therapy (C.B.T.), clear steps are intended to help build hope, solve problems and make a plan to avoid relapses. After a week of devastating news about suicide, there […]

How Can Birds help with Dyslexia Research?

How Can Birds help with Dyslexia Research? How Can Birds help with Dyslexia Research? Currently, there is a study being conducted through the University of Virginia’s Brain Institute to develop a model for dyslexia and other language disorders through birds. Specifically, the Zebra Finch.  Unlike some other animals, Zebra Finches learn how to communicate through […]